Unix store a list of files into an array variable

Store a list of file into an array variable, and loop through the list:

files=($(ls -lah yourFolder/* | cut -d' ' -f X)) # X depend on which column is your file name, usually 14 in a local computer, but might differ.
for item in "${files[@]}"
  echo $item

Or read the list from file then loop:

while read sample;
    sample_list="$sample_list $sample"
done < sampleList.txt

for sample in $tissue_list
    echo $sample


Slurm system multiple job submission template

They are many ways to submit Slurm jobs in parallel, here I will share the one that I used the most. This template can be looped through a list of entries and submit them all at once. It is especially practical when you need to run hundreds of samples at the same time.

Pay attention to the administrative limits superimposed by your admin, 500 jobs are usually the limit they gave us.

You can loop within your slurm submission script to request multiple sessions or parallel within your code, but when dealing with large number of samples, I like my way better since I have better control over individual jobs and combining with parallel within each of those sections will powers it up even more). If one node mysteriously fails (which can happen especially when you run hundreds of samples), I can easily monitor which one and resubmit it. Please feel free to choose whatever you like, whichever way works for you should be the best way.

You will need two files, one is the loop function, another is your slurm template and here is the usage:

– Have your sample list as a txt file with one column containing your sample names, in this template it is noted as sampleList.txt;
– Have your yourSlurmScript.sh composed well, replace places where your sample name will go with “Z”. (you can use a character that is not present in your yourSlurmScript.sh, I find that capitalized “Z” never present in my code, “X” is also a common choice)
– Put your yourSlurmScript.sh file name into the batchSubmit.sh script, and run as below:

./batchSubmit.sh. # you can change the name to whatever you want

1. Loop function, batchSubmit.sh:

2. Prepare yourSlurmScript.sh

Something very important here, ALWAYS rsync your files into your node assigned tmp folder and run your job there, don’t use cp especially when your jobs are “heavy”. Or I promise you your server admin will ask you out for a serious talk…

The two above scripts can be download here:

Change Unix character encoding

This happens usually when you transferring files between systems, for example, “scp” or “rsync” file from your local machine to a Linux server. The difference will show up when you have special characters (eg. ø, ó, ä … ) in your file, especially when your file is an HTML file, there will be garbled code showing up.

iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 input.html > fixed_input.html
mv fixed_input.html input.html

Sometimes even if you have made sure that locally your file was encoded in utf-8, the transfer will still force recognize it as in iso-8859-1. This happens.

Sort chromosome

There are two rules that you might want to sort your chromosome by:
– Sort in a case-sensitive lexicographical order (eg. chr1, chr10, chr11 …), usually required by bedtools, UCSC utilities (eg. bedGraphToBigWig etc.) and so on;
– Or sort in a numeric order for other purpose (eg. chr1, chr2, chr3 …).

Sort in lexicographical order:

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n input.bed > sorted.bed
sortBed input.bed > sorted.bed # bedtools function
LC_COLLATE=C sort -k1,1 -k2,2n input.bedgraph > sorted.bedgraph

Sort in numeric order:

./sort_chr.sh input.bed

Download the code from here:
