Python run loops in parallel

When no need to return anything:

from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing

# Number of cores available to use
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

# If your function takes only 1 variable
def yourFunction(input):
    # anything in your loop
    return XXX

Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(yourFunction)(input) for input in list)

# If your function taking more than 1 variable
def yourFunction(input1, input2):
    # anything in your loop
    return XXX

Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(yourFunction)(input1, input2) for input1 in list1 for input2 in list2)

When need to return things, simply point it to a variable, it will be saved as a list:

results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(yourFunction)(input) for input in list)

When need to return data.frame and later concatenate together, using mp.Pool

import multiprocessing as mp
with mp.Pool(processes = num_cores-1) as pool:
    resultList =, argvList))

results_df = pd.concat(resultList)


Unix store a list of files into an array variable

Store a list of file into an array variable, and loop through the list:

files=($(ls -lah yourFolder/* | cut -d' ' -f X)) # X depend on which column is your file name, usually 14 in a local computer, but might differ.
for item in "${files[@]}"
  echo $item

Or read the list from file then loop:

while read sample;
    sample_list="$sample_list $sample"
done < sampleList.txt

for sample in $tissue_list
    echo $sample


Pandas add an empty row or column to a dataframe with index

Add empty row with or without name:

df.append(pd.Series(name='NameOfNewRow')) # name the new row
df.append(pd.Series(), ignore_index=True) # not name the new row

Add empty column:

df['new'] = pd.Series()


Python NumPy replace nan in array to 0 or a number

Replace nan in a numpy array to zero or any number:

a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,np.nan])

# if copy=False, the replace inplace, default is True, it will be changed to 0 by default
a = numpy.nan_to_num(a, copy=True) 

# if you want it changed to any number, eg. 10.
numpy.nan_to_num(a, copy=False, nan=10) 

Replace inf or -inf with the most positive or negative finite floating-point values or any numbers:

a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,np.inf])

# change to the most positive or finite floating-point value by default
a = numpy.nan_to_num(a, copy=True)

# if you want it changed to any number, eg. 10.
a = numpy.nan_to_num(a, copy=True, posinf=10)

# if you want it changed to any number, eg. 10., same goes to neginf
a = numpy.nan_to_num(a, copy=True, posinf=10, neginf=-10)

The parameter posinf and neginf only works when your numpy version is equal or higher than 1.17.
